There is a lot of discussion about monkeypox and the risk of transmission. The first thing to understand is that monkeypox transmission is different than Covid. Transmission happens during close contact – prolonged physical contact or direct contact with body fluids or lesions. It may also spread face to face through respiratory droplets or contact with contaminated bedding or clothing. 

It doesn’t spread through the air like COVID-19, as far as we know. And unlike COVID-19, monkeypox isn’t contagious until the infected person becomes symptomatic. That makes it much easier to isolate infected individuals and prevent the spread. 

Patient Guidelines

As an organization we are recommending that patients concerned about monkeypox or presenting with a typical rash or “flu-like” symptoms of fever, chills, body aches, etc be roomed as soon as possible and not be left in the waiting room. If a wait is unavoidable, please ask those patients to wait in their car until they can be seen. And as always, if they are coughing, please ask them to wear a mask. 

For patients with a rash and symptoms suggestive of monkeypox we recommend PPE including gloves and masks for providers and staff that will have close contact with the patient. 

Signs and Symptoms 

 Other symptoms of monkeypox can include 

How is Monkeypox spread? 

Monkeypox can spread to anyone through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact, including: 

Monkeypox Prevention Steps 

Take the following three steps to prevent getting monkeypox: 

Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like monkeypox. 

Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with monkeypox has used. 

Wash your hands often.